#releaseMoazzam London Demo: 2nd March 2014


Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah just came back from the Protest for our Brother #Moazzambegg in Westminster. I must be honest, my arm had to be twisted to attend, but on attending I have felt a reawakening of my consciousness as a Believer. I realised I have been suffering, (like many British Muslims) with a downward spiral of despair, recently hitting rock bottom towards the verge of giving up. ‘There are too many causes, too many battles, too many injustices’, ‘what can I do? I am a nobody, I can’t do enough, I will never be able to do enough’. I’ve been living my life  blocking out the headlines ‘extremist, Muslim, terror, Islam, security threat’ on my travels, sceptically looking at the gentlemen on the train who reads his paper and looks up at me, as if he’s engaged in a joyous game of dot-to-dot. O_O

“Smile” can we really blame those who are constantly being fed sensational lies?

Lately I have shamefully been doing everything possible to ignore anyplace that has ‘news’ of the atrocities happening around the globe. I may seem ignorant but despair makes you want to remain oblivious. ‘If I don’t know, then I won’t think, worry, feel, allow my heart to bleed, resist’.
But its time to face reality. Every single day the media with the complicity of this government attacks our figures, faith and law. Everyday you hear of an islamophobic incident of some sort. Do not despair. Do not allow the depression to overcome your emaan. Allah is the best of all Planners, He has warned us of this time, and He subhanahu wataala promises us victory. As our religion is attacked from every angle reversion rates are sky high! Why? Because the light of Islam is destined for every corner of this Earth and for the benefit of All. It is the will of Allah. Be confident in this.

We will continue to dedicate our lives for the betterment of the globe. We will continue to excel in our charity endeavours, our community projects, our professions, our political and social engagement, we will continue life, because we are a people that can endure anything, we are already enduring everything as a collective Ummah, as one body.
We will continue to strive to be the best of the best, and stand up against all injustices without cowardice, fear or neglect.

May Allah aza wajal save us from the clutches of despair, May Allah, the Lord of the Cosmos save us from the curse of cowardice and ignorance.

For those who have felt or are feeling as I have – Remove the barriers you have built to protect that beautiful heart of yours. It wants to feel and cry, and bleed. Its healthy. Just let it do its thing, and when it crumbles and breaks raise your noble hands up to the heavens and weep for the sake of the Syrians, the Palestinians, the Bengali’s, the Rohingya, the Africans, the Ukrainians and the plight of anyone on this planet resisting oppression.

Warning: once you start wallahi you won’t be able to stop.
Let them tears flow like the sincerity of the rain bestowed from the highest skies as mercies onto those in difficulty.

& for our Dear Brother #Moazzambegg, we will not let you go down without a fight. You are in our duas and thoughts. May Allah grant you victory over your enemies. Hasbanullahu wa ni’mal wakeel. Allahumma salli ala sayidina Muhammad sallallahu alaihe wasallama.

Sleepless Nights

Its difficult to tacitly consent to a life in stagnant low paid jobs as the cost of living increases rapidly; food prices, fuel prices, energy bills, transport, rent, water rates all increase yet wages are decreasing. For a job that used to be 20K is now reduced to 17k and we still get taxed to pay for foreign wars which we dont support, the elitist lives of politicians who warm their stables and buy their kids ***** nappies with our hard earned cash to then televise instutional lies of change.  Preaching to us a better day that will not come to a political system which is so inherently flawed.

Its a simple mathematical sum Politics+bankers=economics to serve corperations and big business.

Stop lying to yourself.

Get to know me: Pro Palestinian

A masked Palestinian protester hurls back a tear gas canister shot by Israeli soldiers, unseen, during clashes outside the Ofer military prison, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, on Oct. 10. The clashes started during a demonstration calling to release prisoners jailed in Israel.
Photo: Majdi Mohammed / APImage

Every week we march up to the same hill after Friday prayers to show were here, to show we exist and will fight till the death, until the trumpets blare.

My kuffiyeh wrapped loosely around my neck ready to be redesigned as a face mask once they bring the heat. As they stand over there in heavy army uniforms, baking in the scorching sun, scared to let down their weapons & look me in the eyes.

  Every week this happens, they will do anything to disperse us, anything to break us. My pocket is full of stones ready for my sling, my aim now so precise I can aim for whatever limb I wish. My hands stained white from the sacred dust which we fight over.

  WE make love to this land, caress and hold it in our hearts as our first love. We console its grievance and shiver from its screams of agony.

  These henchman only hurt it with their heavy boots of occupation, stomping on our necks, fire arming us, bombarding us. They say this land is Holy but is their occupation wholly to become closer to God? I’m ready.

The tear gas is being shot as the children and women shriek with panic. The boys step up to defend our people, we hurl them back.

  We will die today, were already DEAD. Every act of resistance is a resurrection.

  The yearning for freedom pushes us to fight this battle every week.

They have M16s and we have our hearts still beating the holy anthem of Palestine. They have tanks and we have our ancient homes, a manifestation of our history. They have their roadblocks and we have our sweet heritage.

 Every week we will march.


Greetings of peace all, 

The name EmotiveTruth is a representation of who I am, as a ‘complicated creation’ i.e a woman, a believer in God consciousness, a supporter of humanity, an obsessive thinker of social solutions to the problems we all face as a global nation.

I don’t claim to be an expert in my topics of later discussion, but merely an individual who thinks big and respects other people’s visions to how we can problem solve a range of issues.

I truly am a lover of life & embrace anyone who is the same.

and we begin in the name of the one who created us both…